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Friday, January 7, 2011

Ancient Methods

In ancient times there were many ways to execute a suspected felon or criminal, these methods have “evolved” thought time. An early method in the medieval world was burning alive, or incinerating, this methods, along with stoning, which is the way people throw stones to a person until death is imminent to him or her. These two methods were pioneered by the Catholic Church, those who were seen not practicing catholic or anything that did not involve their monotheistic ways died in these ways. Some time after the French picked up a infamous way of executing people via government, those who did not listen to it or violated serious laws were put in the guillotine, this method was soon picked up by many other neighboring countries and became a popular method of execution. The gallows, where people are hanged by a rope, also became popular in countries in Europe. Also by around the time of the Industrial Revolution, the Electric Chair became a way to execute felons, this machine works by sitting down the felon, strapping him down tightly to the chair and cover their face as well, after that the machine is activated for the electrical charges to be released into the felon’s body and kill him as painless as possible.

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