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Monday, January 3, 2011

Usage of the Lethal Injecction

As the Bill of rights denies the cost ancient ways of execution, like the guillotine, the Electric chair, these Unusual and painful in our society. There "Lethal injection" is in reality 3 separate injections  that are administered to the convict to execute him. The first includes Sodium Thiopental, This numbs the killer unconscious, it is an anesthetic.The seconds is a Pancuronium, which causes full paralysis of the body. And the last contains Potassium chloride, which will cause a cardiac arrest while in the paralysis, Leading the killer to it's death.
As a fact, From the Time the first Injection is given, Death should be assured in a limit of seven minutes. Also a killer, after being given the second injection would die naturaly of asphyxiation. The following video Explains the Cons side of The usage of the Lethal injection.
Most of what is stated in this video is factual, The anesthetic is mostly not given properly, and it will cause torture. Since The Hippocratic Oath is in place, no doctors can be around to examine or distribute the shot properly. Most people would agree with this argument as it states that it tortures the killer in a inhumane way.

However the Point of the Lethal injection is the act of retaliation, to get back at the killer for the horrible did he did to one's friend or family member. Vengeance is a  common feeling for many people who lost a dear one thanks to a killer or to anyone in society, that family member most likely would like to do it himself, and in the same manner, but no one is allowed to execute justice on their own due to the current government. The fact that the killer is being tortured in the death bed is not only convenient and fair, but also satisfactory to any relative or friend of the victim(s) the killer murdered. as by our nature as humans we like to not only see violence,  but see those who damage  and hurt us suffer a same or worse fate. Various sources like pro and anti death penalty.org have varying opinions, Pro death penalty says there is a "low to none" chance of the anesthetic being distributed improperly, leading the inmate to a slow and painful death, but also that jail men and guards have training before starting anesthetic procedures.While the Anti death penalty website says that a degree is absolutely necessary for this, it does admit to jail men receiving training, therefore there is a common ground in the two sides but ones side like the cons website uses this as a way to what some might call it "demonise" the Lethal Injection.

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