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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Who gets the attention in the end?

The victims of the murders caused by all the psychopathic killers in the united states still get no attention, at least not as much as the killer himself as said here. Specially with the 1000th execution count, people pay more attention to the killer instead of the victim. In the DPIC website this is proven, as the entire website, it even being against the death penalty only reviews the murderers, the poor loved ones and of the victim(s) who are in shambles because of the tragedy caused by these killers get no attention, neither is their story heard. For example, this is a very recent headline (1/19/11) from the DPIC, a liberal website that sides with abolishing the death penalty and the entire capital punishment."U.S. Supreme Court Halts Execution After Texas Inmate's Last Meal" Their stories come to this, a inmate escaping the penalty after he eats his meal, then they tell the story, of a 2002 shooting he was charged for. they even mention his accomplice who died before getting a chance to get the lethal shot. but in this whole article, not even the victims name is stated, once again proving how society will give more attention to the one that committed the crime, in almost a praising matter. The article can be found here.

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