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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Oponents of the death penalty pt2

In the Anti Death Penalty website, it lists the 3 most popular states for the death penalty, meaning where inmates have been killed the most. California is at the top with 695 inmates killed by lethal injection, followed by Florida with 400 and finally Texas with 335. It also shows that there were 46 executions in the last year and 3 executions so far this year, giving this a chance of increase since we are only in the firsts months of 2011. The pro-death penalty website has a list of how many people were executed every year however. It shows that it was at it's highest in 1999 but gradually decreased by 30 in this year, and it continues to do so. The website also has a section stating the reasons to be against the death penalty, one saying that if a prisoner is locked up, no more crimes shall be committed, this is however countered by the Pro death penalty website stating that more crimes will be done if the death penalty is not executed, this way people will fear for their life when and before committing any crime. It also states that "killing is wrong" yet they are defending the people who kill by not giving them the death penalty, a ironic statement in their main page.  It also states that it is no longer sued in sophisticated societies, yet in the Pro death penalty and even in the national amnesty website it states that many European countries, including China also contain the capital Penalty in their punishments.  The website lists many reasons why the death penalty is used in the United States, biblical teachings and history of  ancient civilizations, both pronounced wrong by the pro website saying that it is a necessary punishment, to have killers feel the same pain as their victims, to have them suffer the same fate they unleashed upon the innocent, a way to give retribution for the ones they send to the next world. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Who gets the attention in the end?

The victims of the murders caused by all the psychopathic killers in the united states still get no attention, at least not as much as the killer himself as said here. Specially with the 1000th execution count, people pay more attention to the killer instead of the victim. In the DPIC website this is proven, as the entire website, it even being against the death penalty only reviews the murderers, the poor loved ones and of the victim(s) who are in shambles because of the tragedy caused by these killers get no attention, neither is their story heard. For example, this is a very recent headline (1/19/11) from the DPIC, a liberal website that sides with abolishing the death penalty and the entire capital punishment."U.S. Supreme Court Halts Execution After Texas Inmate's Last Meal" Their stories come to this, a inmate escaping the penalty after he eats his meal, then they tell the story, of a 2002 shooting he was charged for. they even mention his accomplice who died before getting a chance to get the lethal shot. but in this whole article, not even the victims name is stated, once again proving how society will give more attention to the one that committed the crime, in almost a praising matter. The article can be found here.

The Supporting side

As said before, the supporting side is composed mostly of Conservatives who want fair balance for a life, and keep a way of life with proper punishments. Also the Family members, friend and any other relatives to victims of any tragedy produced by a convicted killer, those are the most involved supporters of the death penalty.
The Human need of revenge and retributions plays a essential role in this side, as many who have lost a dear one thanks to a psychopathic killer going on a rampage, or any other case involving the deaths of innocents. Familiars of victims like to see the convicted killers not only dead, but suffer if possible in a painful and inhumane way for the people/person he or she killed. Keith's Document states that The death penalty can take the life of an innocent away from anyone, while Prodeathpenalty.com States that only 102 defendants have been innocent and accused of for murder and obtained the death penalty, while it is a small price to play the Fairness of the world is a bigger priority.

Political cartoons

The Death penalty is ridiculed mostly in political cartoons. the sides differ greatly and point out the flaws in the system of the Capital Punishment. The satire involved in the political cartoons ridiculing the Death penalty are mostly from the opposing side, they ridicule the ways the death penalty is unfair, unlawful cruel or un-namerican, also they ridicule the fact that it can be used by the government as a way to get rid of individuals who can damage or threaten their system.
The Political cartoons, being drawed by people with opinions also differ greatly. Pro-death penalty political cartoons will mostly satire killers killing again, also the "hypocracy" of the liberal or pro-life side by stating serious flaws in their arguments for abolishing the said penalty.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Electric Chair

The Electric Chair was created in 1890 it preceded from the Hanging method after many hangmen failed to properly arrange and execute the felons, making a not only gory, but unwatchable seen for any civilian. More that a thousand people were executed via this method. According to CCADP.org, on January 1st, 1889 the first electrical chair execution law went into effect, also the first person who was executed through this method was William Keller, who was accused and found guilty of killing his lover, Matilda Ziegler with an axe in Buffalo. Buffalo at that time was known as "The Electric City of the Future". on August 6, 1890 William Keller is executed in Auburn Prison. making him the first person ever to be executed by the government using electrocutions. The Sentences took a year, after many appeals form the Westinghouse Fund, due to them believing it was a clue and usual punishment, because of this, Matilda Ziegler's Retribution took almost a year.
Opinions on the electric chair differ, even in profession articles and data bases. Most of society thinks of the electric chair as obsolete and inhumane, said in amnesty international. they say that even if it is the method before the lethal injections its flaws and way of killing were not acceptable. A website containing all of the Electric chair history, states that is seen as suitable way of execution.
"most humane" quoted from their site. Link for the website here.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Ancient Methods

In ancient times there were many ways to execute a suspected felon or criminal, these methods have “evolved” thought time. An early method in the medieval world was burning alive, or incinerating, this methods, along with stoning, which is the way people throw stones to a person until death is imminent to him or her. These two methods were pioneered by the Catholic Church, those who were seen not practicing catholic or anything that did not involve their monotheistic ways died in these ways. Some time after the French picked up a infamous way of executing people via government, those who did not listen to it or violated serious laws were put in the guillotine, this method was soon picked up by many other neighboring countries and became a popular method of execution. The gallows, where people are hanged by a rope, also became popular in countries in Europe. Also by around the time of the Industrial Revolution, the Electric Chair became a way to execute felons, this machine works by sitting down the felon, strapping him down tightly to the chair and cover their face as well, after that the machine is activated for the electrical charges to be released into the felon’s body and kill him as painless as possible.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Opponents of the Death Penalty pt 1

Many people in society oppose the death penalty. This is due to them seeing the capital punishment as a denial of Human Rights, here is a quote from a popular website called Amnesty International:

"The death penalty is the ultimate denial of human rights. It is the premeditated and cold-blooded killing of a human being by the state. This cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment is done in the name of justice.
It violates the right to life as proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Amnesty International opposes the death penalty in all cases without exception regardless of the nature of the crime, the characteristics of the offender, or the method used by the state to kill the prisoner."

The Quote is factually right, as said before  The Anesthetic of the Injection is often not properly distributed. But where this website is wrong, or should look over is where they say it is a denial of human rights. By not applying the Capital Punishment, morally the Right of life is being denies to the victims of the killers, by not getting their retribution, these victims would have died with no justice being done. The most current thread, Terrorism is infamous due to the amount of killing they both execute and plan, these cases and caught suspects should be put on the deathbed as well. The government not killing a killer is a denial of human rights as well.
Keith States that There is no proven fact that jail deters a human more than death. while another document of the same author states that Death is a better punishment. these two opinions differ and cannot be proven as said in the first article, but the punishment is determined by the Punished. putting a gang leader in a jail where his minions are stored in will not change his state of mind, but a normal killer with no affiliations will think about his time in jail and will change his state of mind.